Thursday, October 11, 2007

Quote of the Week: October 7

"Hey, I want to say something. I've been trying to be more honest lately and I just need to say a few things. I did the coal walk! Just, I did it. Michael, you couldn't even do that. Maybe I should be your boss. Wow, I feel really good right now. Why didn't any of you come to my art show? I invited all of you. That really sucked. It's like sometimes, some of you act like I don't even exist. Jim, I called off my wedding because of you. And now we're not even friends. And things are just like weird between us, and that sucks. And I miss you. You were my best friend before you went to Stamford. And I really miss you. I shouldn't have been with Roy, and there were a lot of reasons to call off my wedding. But the truth is, I didn't care about any of those reasons until I met you. And now you're with someone else and that's fine. It's... whatever. That's not what I'm... I'm not... okay, my feet really hurt. The thing that I'm just trying to say to you, Jim, and to everyone else in the circle, I guess, is that I miss having fun with you. Just you, not everyone in the circle. Okay, I am gonna go walk in the water now. Yeah, it's a good day."

- Pam Beesly,

telling Jim (finally) how she felt.

Fun Run

I know that it has been a while since I updated the blog.... Sorry... I have been busy.

OK... briefly... the Fun Run...

A great episode!

The office finally knows about Jim and Pam (Everyone, this is a day that will live in infamy. Because today is the day that Jim and Pam become one. Let the bells of Dunder Mifflin chime out your love" -Michael Scott). But why was Toby saying about not letting them fill out an office relationship form. Does he think that they are not going to last. I hope he is wrong... PB & J Forever.

And now Ryan is Mr. HotShot coming back from corporate trying to bring them into the modern times. I felt bad for Michael when Ryan snapped at him at the beginning (even though he kind of deserved it). It cracked me up when Michael was texting and Ryan tried to copy him.

There were many funny parts but Kelly MADE the episode. I loved when everyone was putting up a banner that said "Welcome Back Ryan!" and she walks in in a sexy dress and was like.... "OH... is Ryan coming back? I did not know." YEA RIGHT! But the best part was when she wanted to get back together with Ryan, so she told him that she was pregnant. Then there was a clip of her shaking her head. Then Ryan told her said that they would talk about it over dinner and she goes "Yea! We have a date!" Hilarious!

Dwight and Angela are over. Even though Dwight offered Angela Garbage the cat, she says, "Every time I look in your eyes, I see Sprinkles’ stiff, lifeless body." Dwight replies, "Then don’t look in my eyes. Look right here. It’s an old sales trick." I feel bad for Dwight because he loved Angela, but it was still funny when he was crying in Michael's car about Angela. Will they get back together? I guess only the next episode will tell. Even though, they are both weirdos, they belong together (maybe for that reason). They prove that even nerds and a person who is no fun can find love. :-)

And finally, Michael was stressed out because Creed convinced him that Ryan was trying to update the office and get rid of all the old people. Consequently, Creed dyes his hair black and spikes it. He wants the vending machines to be filled with Red Bull because sometimes, "a guy just needs to ride the bull." "Later, skater!" Michael has one of his infamous meetings. At this one, he convinces everyone that "Well, we have learned that you can't teach an old dog new tricks, because it's illegal, and you will go to jail."

Ryan asks Pam out and Pam turns him down (obviously, she is with Jim). This causes Jim to say, "I guess he cannot get any girl he wants."

Michael tries to prove that gift baskets work better than websites in getting back old clients and ends up driving into Lake Scranton. ("Computers tried to murder him in the lake.")